Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Moving up in the world

It's hard to explain, but sometimes it is really difficult to get much "business" accomplished in one day. This is possibly due to long lines, a lot of bureaucracy, many people needing a job; therefore, you have to do many things to secure their job (get a stamp here; get a paper there, make a copy here, tip the parking lot guy there, etc., etc. But, Mexico is moving up in the world, as evidenced by my ability to get some key things done today with three of my kids in toe. As Isabella napped, Olivia woke up from her nap and Sofia chatted incessantly about life, I first drove to the one and only ATM drive through in town (a city of 1 million people) and was able to get cash out. This ATM only works about 60% of the time. With cash in hand, I drove to a drive through set up to pay your light bill, seeing how the electric company is not too merciful on paying late and very quickly turn off the electricity. Again, without getting out of my car, I payed our electric bill in record time (no one was at the drive through, because most people opt to stand patiently in line at the electric company). I was so thrilled about what I accomplished, that what better way to celebrate than driving through one of the few other drive through in town -- Starbucks! It was great! Now, if I could figure out some way to do grocery shopping from the car...


LST team to Morelia, MX 2010 said...

Great post, Ann about life w/o many of the conveniences we think are necessary here in the US! And 3 things accomplished in one day from your car w/3 kids!! That must be a record, I think!


TriSara said...

I know the feeling of that kind of accomplishment. Here it is a trip to Wal-Mart to do the "big" shopping. When I have done that I feel as though I have run a marathon. I hate that place, but it is a necessary evil in my life because no one can come close to their prices.