Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Moving up in the world

It's hard to explain, but sometimes it is really difficult to get much "business" accomplished in one day. This is possibly due to long lines, a lot of bureaucracy, many people needing a job; therefore, you have to do many things to secure their job (get a stamp here; get a paper there, make a copy here, tip the parking lot guy there, etc., etc. But, Mexico is moving up in the world, as evidenced by my ability to get some key things done today with three of my kids in toe. As Isabella napped, Olivia woke up from her nap and Sofia chatted incessantly about life, I first drove to the one and only ATM drive through in town (a city of 1 million people) and was able to get cash out. This ATM only works about 60% of the time. With cash in hand, I drove to a drive through set up to pay your light bill, seeing how the electric company is not too merciful on paying late and very quickly turn off the electricity. Again, without getting out of my car, I payed our electric bill in record time (no one was at the drive through, because most people opt to stand patiently in line at the electric company). I was so thrilled about what I accomplished, that what better way to celebrate than driving through one of the few other drive through in town -- Starbucks! It was great! Now, if I could figure out some way to do grocery shopping from the car...

Sunday, July 27, 2008

For the record

All of you four faithful readers know this already, but just for the record, we have a new baby. Isabella Joy is now a month old! She was born June 17th at 10:40 pm. Just so everyone knows, I did it fast and furious so everyone could be home for a late dinner and a good night's sleep (no discounts from the doctor's though). It is amazing that although this was our fourth time to experience a new birth, it was equally amazing and awe inspiring. Bringing a new life into this world is such an experience, it's hard to put into words.
We love her dearly and can't imagine our lives without Isabella. She is so beautiful! I don't think she looks like anyone in the family -- she is her own little person. She has an intense look, long fingers and a very cute toes. In a way, my life has come to a screeching halt (not such a bad thing), and on another note, it never seems to end. We are glad for a more relaxed summer schedule.
I would love to show you and updated picture, but our camera is missing, which makes me very, very sad!

Top 10

Top 10 reasons I haven't been blogging in the past couple of months:
1. Victoria
2. It is really difficult to type with one hand (while holding a baby with the other).
3. It is much more fun and easy on the brain to read other people's blog. Some of our friends have been having some amazing adventures this summer like Eric and Mattias biking across California or Pete and Sara swimming, biking and running in all kinds of events with their kids having a summer to remember.
4. Sofia
5. As incredibly exciting things have been in our lives, it is just not as exciting to write about two months later.
6. Olivia
7. Blogging is always interesting, but pictures make it so much better. We haven't taken many pictures and our camera has gone missing (I really, really, really want it back).
8. Isabella!
9. We've been too busy enjoying the fellowship of several visitors.
10. Writer's block

So, all that to say that we are still here...Alive and kicking enjoying a full, loud house! I'd say that I'll be posting more often, but no promises...