Sunday, February 10, 2008

Victoria celebrates her birthday

Last weekend we embarked on the exciting and tiring journey of celebrating Victoria's birthday. We decided to take her and some friends to Mexico City to Ciudad de los Ninos. This is a miniature city where the kids get money to spend at various shops and have the opportunity to make money also. The thought was that it would be nice for her to invite a couple of friends from school and try to deepen some relationships there. We knew there was no guarantee, and lo and behold, the parents didn't buy into the idea of sending their children off with strangers on an all day outing three hours away. Their worry about their children here seems a little excessive, but such is life. Just as an example, a friend of Victoria's had a sleep over this weekend and invited friends from church. Our friend, who knows them well and has for several years, was worried about the conditions or situation of letting her daughter spend the night at their house!
So, we had three of Victoria's friends with Sofia in tow spend the night on Friday night to get an early start on Saturday. The alarm clock was set for 6:15, but I heard the unmistakable whisper of eager girls by 5:00 a.m.! We were on the road by 7:20 am for the three hour drive to Mexico City (the outskirts of the city). There we were joined by our friends, Sean and Jeni McClue and their kids Sarah and Phillip. We enjoyed a fun day of making money and spending money! Victoria said her favorite was working at the radio station, where Sofia particularly enjoyed wall climbing. They did everything from work at Wal-mart, archeological digs, be firemen, sell and buy magazines, drive cars, be a vet and several others I may have forgotten. Olivia enjoyed the day also at a kiddie section where she got to play in a ball pool, ride a train and mossey around. Sam got some quality conversation time with Sean while he kept a close eye on Olivia. I tried to keep up with 6 girls that all wanted to do something different. To top off the day we had lunch at Rain Forest Cafe, dessert at Starbucks (only for the adults) and headed back home.
The ride home was so much quieter with some very tired girls. All in all, it was a great day and a fun way to celebrate! Sofia is already planning what she wants to do for her birthday...

1 comment:

TriSara said...

That place sounds like so much fun! I don't think being in Mexico is the only thing making parents overly protective. We had a hard time getting parents to let us take the girls (all 3rd graders) bowling 20 minutes away for Soren's birthday. We even had one set of parents show up at the bowling alley to "check in" and another gave their daughter a cell phone and she called them every 20 minutes. Whatever. Maybe Pete and I don't come across as very responsible parents. Who knows. Glad you guys had a successful and happy birthday celebration. Hey, how's the pregnancy going? Do you know the sex?