Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hello lost cyberworld

I think that I go so long without blogging, that I get a mental block about it, and then don't do it some more, and then don't do it some more, etc... You get the picture. And then, the big question is where to begin or pick up from. I think the easiest will be to just start where we are at. Novel idea...
We are all alive and well and kicking! The girls keep me very busy. In fact, Olivia got a hold of the scissors the other day. You can guess the rest. Victoria brings me the scissors and several locks of hair. Ouch!!!! She basically did away with all of her bangs. The worst was that she was so proud of herself for giving herself a haircut. We had a serious talk about who gets to cut hair, and then she was sad. Our friend Sandy came to the rescue and created a few bangs to cover up the stubble until it grows out. It will be a while!

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Oops! She is just tooooo cute!