Sunday, October 21, 2007

The wonders of nature...

Although we live in the city, our house has been a source of interesting nature discoveries. That does not include our neighbors roosters that we would like to serve in mole or use for a dissection experiment! We had been admiring some spiders outside our kitchen window and seeing how they caught grasshoppers for lunch (which we do not mind at all, since there is a grasshopper abundance right now). Only after our maid killed it, did it don on me that we had been admiring a black widow! Yikes! In the same day, our maid also killed a scorpion. She has a special hatred for these critters having been bit by one some time ago. So, we are not lacking in excitement.

Today, as I was hauling laundry up to the terraza, I spotted a couple of dragonflies resting on one of our plants. I called the girls to take a look, and they noticed several of them. It was beautiful to see 10 or 15 of them glimmering in the sun and sitting very still on the vine. We are always amazed at all the incredible things God has created for our marvel and interest.

And, just to leave you a sweet look at our own butterfly...
Sofia had her face painted while we ate at Chili's! What fun...She has decided that she would like this face painter at her birthday party. Hmmmmmm...
(Sorry, I don't have the energy to figure out how to turn the pictures around...)


vicky said...

Hi Ann! what a pizza! Yum. tell charles to swing by longview for a short visit..long enough to make a pizza for us! I just think I'll make one myself. What a face painter! Sounds like things are going well for yall. Would love to visit..maybe some day...Love, vicky

TriSara said...

yikes! are those pictures that you took of the spider? she's nasty! stay safe. love you guys